Time left for this weeks menu:

This weeks menu is now closed. The next menu starts live this Friday at 1 PM

Our Mission

A nutritional experience as unique as you are

A personal and supportive approach is a must when it comes to your foody journey.
There’s only one amazing YOU and your dietary regime should reflect that incredible individuality.
It’s with this motto in mind that we are proud to offer meals from a variety of dietary backgrounds which can be customized to suit your personal needs, goals & preferences.
Gone are the days of cookie cutter meals and IN are the days of customizable diversity! Can I get an AMEN?

Our Beliefs

Support Support Support

Guess what!? You’ve got your own personal cheerleaders! The honour of supporting you and each member of our community is what gets us jumping out of bed in the morning. Nutrition can seem overwhelming and we’re here to take that stress out of the equation. Ain’t no mountain too high – we’ll be beside you with our pom poms each step of the way.

Flavour + Science

It takes two to tango and food is no exception! For a healthy lifestyle to be both successful and sustainable, you need to love
what you’re eating. Each menu item we create is built on a
foundation of balanced fitness nutrition with a diverse flavour
profile to ensure your goals and tastebuds are besties at each bite

Quality Matters

The famous phrase “you are what you eat” is #truth. Product quality and sourcing integrity are the backbone of each menu item we unveil. We utilize local organic products wherever possible, consistently hovering at 90% organic on all produce. Holler if you hear me! Our seafood is always wild ocean wise and our meat proteins are sourced antibiotic and hormone-free. If you’re a beef connoisseur you’ll be happy to know that our steak cuts are AAA grade. How’s that for a Triple Yum?!


The world is our playground and we are passionate about always exploring ways to reduce our carbon footprint. One of the ways we are currently doing this is by developing a new plant-based packaging system that will improve product shelf life and reduce plastic in our environment. We are very excited to roll this out soon.

Who are these 2 Guys?

Sergio Pereira, chef extraordinaire, embarked on his adventure to Canada in 2006. He arrived a fresh graduate from the culinary institute of Brazil with a passion in his blood and only a few words of English in his back pocket. New country, new language, endless possibilities.

Since his arrival and achievement of Canadian citizenship he has grown from a leader within corporate culinary to a master of nutritional decadence, pairing his diverse knowledge of world cuisine with Patrick’s healthful twists of fitness nutrition.

Patrick, the resident fit guru is a Canadian fitness mongrel through and through. As a competitive athlete, sport has taken Patrick adventure chasing through Europe, Australia and the Canadian Rockies, landing him in Vancouver in 2010 where he certified with CANFIT-PRO as a personal training specialist, metabolic nutritionist and obstacle course race guru.

Patrick’s functional approach towards movement and body awareness balances sound nutritional components with Sergio’s flavourful twists to meet the needs of all levels of activity and varied dietary backgrounds.

Together we are the 2 Guys With Knives!

Our Journey

In 2012, in the cozy space of our home kitchen, the vision of 2 Guys with Knives was born. The organic roots of our story stem from personal training clients and co-workers who would comment in jest “can’t you just cook for us! You’re cooking for yourselves each week anyway!”

Fast forward many years and shots of espresso later, to the current date, and we greet you with excited and thankful hearts from our custom-built facility in South Vancouver.

Each day brings new opportunities for learning and growth which we welcome with a hair flip and a couple of high kicks. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Now, let’s eat!